Bulletin – May 28, 2017

We continue to raise money to pay for our roof repair. As of Friday, May 26, we have raised a total of $48,755.62 towards our ultimate goal of $115,000. Thank you for your ongoing generosity towards this need.

Prayer is still happening between services at the front of the sanctuary. If you’re looking for more opportunity for times of corporate prayer, you’re also welcome to join Brian Austin in the Admin Centre during the beginning of first service. Next week, you’re invited to join for prayer at 9:30 a.m. at the front of the sanctuary.

Beginning on June 4 (next week!) we will be going to one 10:00 a.m. service for the summer.

HMC EVENTS                                                                                                                   

Pastor Jason’s final Sunday is June 4. We are planning to celebrate him by enjoying a lunch together following the 10:00 a.m. service. Please plan to stay! In preparation, we are collecting stories, memories, and photos of him and his time here. If you’d like to contribute, please send your story/photo to the church office. There is a book in which you can leave a parting message of blessing for Jason and his family. There is also be a box in which you may leave a donation which can go towards a gift to bless the Mills family with as they move on to what the Lord has planned for them.

The Young at Heart are gathering for their final meeting of the season on Thursday, June 8 at 11:00 a.m. at Carrick Camp. Anna Hopkins will be providing a special picnic lunch and Wendy Donaldson will be bringing a therapy dog and sharing about this great branch of St John Ambulance. Visit Nelles in the foyer for a $15 ticket. Anyone needing a ride to the camp should contact Evelyn Howe or Gloria Burrow.

Our annual HMC Budget Meeting will be on Thursday, June 22 at 7:00 p.m. Come for a closer look at our finances, to vote on the new budget, and for an update from Ministry Council.

Blue Jay’s Once again, a bus will be going to Toronto to take in a game this summer. Mark your calendars for July 29. The $50 tickets are available in the foyer on a first come, first served basis.

Summer Slam VBS ‘Love Your Neighbour’ will be August 21-25 from 9 a.m. to noon for children in SK-grade 6. More information to come!


If you’re thinking about being a volunteer on the Summer Slam VBS team this year, let Pastor Amos or Marie know and plan to come for a brief meeting after the service on June 25.

Mom’s and Tot’s is looking for someone without small children to take on a leadership role within the ministry: to help organize childcare and coordinate events/ideas (i.e. leading craft days, cooking days, arranging a Bible study), while still including and incorporating the ideas and needs of the mother’s who attend.

PRAYER REQUESTS                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Please pray for the Men in Action crew who have given up their weekend to help with work around Camp Mishewah. Pray that it would be an enriching time, and for safe travels as they return home.

Our Condolences to Dennis & Sharon Russwurm on the passing of Dennis’ father, Lincoln Russwurm, last week. Please remember the family in your prayers as they grieve.

Please continue to remember the Pastoral Search Team in your prayers. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they make important decisions regarding the future of HMC.

There is a booklet of prayer requests specific to the needs of HMC. It is being printed in small numbers with simple formatting so your suggestions can be added. We want it to be a dynamic, living, changing document. These booklets are available in the foyer, or by speaking with Karen Schmalz or Brian Austin. Alternatively, if you’d like to receive daily prayer reminders delivered to your email, you can sign up at eepurl.com/cM9ZVj 

OTHER EVENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Carrick Camp will be kicking off their season on June 4 at 7:00 p.m. Visit carrickcamp.com for a full summer calendar.

OASIS Golden Gateway at Stayner Bible Conference Grounds from Monday June 12 – Friday, June 16. Contact Donna or Ivan Preston for more information or to book your stay (519-585-7514).

WORDS OF THANKS                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Thank you to the volunteers that came out to do a spring cleanup on our trail and in our park. It was very much appreciated. Thank you again.

—Tom Karl, Manager of Hanover Parks & Recreation Facilities


MISSIONARY OF THE MONTH: Stacey Bauman serving with Hockey Ministries International. 

Please pray for Tony and Larry, two coaches that have agreed to read “More Than a Carpenter” with Stacey and meet up for lunches to discuss what they are reading. Please pray for Alex and Danielle London. Alex is a new, young coach in town from Boston who comes from a Jewish/Catholic background, and Danielle comes from a Catholic background. Alex sat in on Stacey’s peewee chapel last week and made the comment that “he learned more in ten minutes than he has him whole life!” – Praise God! Alex and Danielle attended church with Stacey and Ronna last week and they were thrilled to see God continue to work. They are excited for what He has in store for this young couple. Please pray that things come together for the OKC Camp. There is need to find a new bus option. Pray that this would fall into place. There is also need of a worship leader and it would be nice to see the camp numbers increase as well.