We continue to raise money to pay for our roof repair. As of Friday, June 23, we have raised a total of $50,895.62 towards our ultimate goal of $115,000. Thank you for your ongoing generosity towards this need.
Prayer is still happening! Plan to join in before the service at 9:30 a.m. at the front of the sanctuary.
Beginning in July we will be reducing our office hours to Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. The office will be closed on Fridays. To reach a pastor on those days, please use the Pastoral Care Line 519-379-1752
Because of this shift in office hours, if you require anything to be included in the weekly bulletin, this information must be submitted to the church office no later than Wednesday at noon. Thank you for your understanding.
Large Print Daily Bread is available in the foyer.
Our next Building Connections Sunday will be on July 16. Plan to stick around after the service (and bring something to contribute) for a Strawberry Social!
Blue Jay’s Once again, a bus will be going to Toronto to take in a game this summer. Mark your calendars for July 29. The $50 tickets are available in the foyer on a first come, first served basis.
Summer Slam VBS ‘Love Your Neighbour’ will be August 21-25 from 9 a.m. to noon for children in SK-grade 6. Forms are now available in the foyer and online!
If you’re thinking about being a volunteer on the Summer Slam VBS team this year, let Pastor Amos or Marie know and plan to come for a brief meeting after the service today in Auditorium A/B.
—Thank you for the water bottles that were brought it. Enough have been donated. Please save your old newspapers for Summer Slam crafts. These can be dropped off at the office during office hours.—
Mom’s and Tot’s is looking for someone without small children to take on a leadership role within the ministry: to help organize childcare and coordinate events/ideas (i.e. leading craft days, cooking days, arranging a Bible study), while still including and incorporating the ideas and needs of the mother’s who attend.
We are looking for volunteers to join our tech crew! If you’d be willing to sit in the sound booth once a month and run the computer (song, announcement, and sermon slides) please let the church office know.
Please pray for Rob Fletcher, (son of Chuck & Carol, father of Tiffany) who is in the hospital with a tumour on his spine. Please pray for the doctors as they work to minimize his pain, and for the family as they navigate this time.
Please continue to remember the Pastoral Search Team in your prayers. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they make important decisions regarding the future of HMC.
There is a booklet of prayer requests specific to the needs of HMC. It is being printed in small numbers with simple formatting so your suggestions can be added. We want it to be a dynamic, living, changing document. These booklets are available in the foyer, or by speaking with Karen Schmalz or Brian Austin. Alternatively, if you’d like to receive daily prayer reminders delivered to your email, you can sign up at eepurl.com/cM9ZVj
MISSIONARY OF THE MONTH: Kevin and Michelle Weppler serving with Greater Europe Mission (GEM) in Southern Romania.
Please pray for three of the local girls who were just baptized, that they would stay strong in their faith. Please pray for GEM interns that are with Kevin and Michelle, that they would find their spot to serve HIM.
Kevin and Michelle wish to thank HMC for the continued prayer and financial support.
Missions Opportunity in Romania, September 2017 with GEM. For information pick up a brochure under the missions board in the foyer.