Prayer is still happening! Plan to join in before the service at 9:30 a.m. at the front of the sanctuary.
Our summer office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The office will be closed on Fridays. To reach a pastor on those days, please use the Pastoral Care Line 519-379-1752
All Summer Slam VBS leaders are asked to attend a meeting today following the service in Auditorium A/B. Lunch will be provided.
August 20 is Building Connections Sunday! Bring along some finger food to share and plan to stay after the service for a time of food and fellowship.
Summer Slam VBS ‘Love Your Neighbour’ will be August 21-25 from 9 a.m. to noon for children in SK-grade 6. Forms are available in the foyer. We also now offer online registration through our website! Follow the U18 links below the MINISTRIES button in the main menu.
Youth, do you sing or play an instrument and have a heart for worship? Mike Harloff is hoping to build a youth team to help with Sunday morning worship. If you’re interested or have questions, please connect with Mike at mikeharloff@hotmail(dot)com
We are looking for volunteers to join our tech crew! If you’d be willing to sit in the sound booth once a month and run the computer (song, announcement, and sermon slides) please let the church office know.
Thank you for investing in our Summer Slam VBS ministry! Because of the generosity of this congregation, the snack list has been filled! Please remember that grapes and apples need to be dropped off on Sunday, August 20 – all other items can be dropped off any time during regular office hours. There is a labelled box in the main kitchen.
Our Condolences to Joanne Koeslag on the passing of her husband, Herman – brother of Marie & Klaas Inthof. Please remember the family in your prayers as they grieve. A Celebration of Life is being held at HMC today with visitation at 1:00 and a Memorial Service at 2:00 p.m.
Please pray for Jim Camm who began treatment this week for lung cancer.
Please pray for Bob Crawford who has just been diagnosed with lung cancer and is beginning his treatment.
Please pray for June Lamont as she undergoes cancer treatment.
Please pray for Rick Pake who has just been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus.
Please remember Chuck Fletcher in your prayers as he recovers from a surgery on his elbow.
Please pray for Natalya McDougall who has been in the hospital. Pray that doctor’s determine what’s wrong and find a successful treatment.
Please pray for Nate, grandson of Jim and Marg Camm, who is experiencing some health issues.
Pray for the doctors overseeing the care of all these congregants, for their families, that they will know God’s peace, and for us as their church family, that we would know how to support each and every one of them.
Please continue to remember the Pastoral Search Team in your prayers. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they make important decisions regarding the future of HMC.
There is a booklet of prayer requests specific to the needs of HMC available in the foyer, or by speaking with Karen Schmalz or Brian Austin. Alternatively, if you’d like to receive daily prayer reminders delivered to your email, you can sign up at