Bulletin – November 26, 2017


Plan to Protect is a mandatory training session for all volunteers in U18 ministries and those working with vulnerable people. There are still two dates left for the training. If you haven’t already attended one, please sign up for Monday, November 27 (7:00 p.m.), or Thursday, November 30 (7:00 p.m.). Volunteers need only attend one session. Please sign up for the date that best suits you at the table in the foyer.

Visit the CHRISTMAS AT HMC link from the main menu on our website to get a sneak peek at what we have going on throughout December.


Please pray for Pastor Dave and Shannon Hildebrandt and their three boys, Josh, Andrew, & Caleb as they prepare for their move to Hanover at the beginning of December. Pray that their transition would be smooth and that the boys settle well into their new school. Pray for Dave as he prepares to take over the leadership of HMC, and for Shannon, that God would make clear what his plans are for her.

Our Condolences to Marg Camm on the passing of her husband, Jim. Please pray for Marg and family as they mourn their loss.

Please pray for Keith McDougall as he faces some health concerns.

Please pray for Judy Dietz who is recovering from a hip replacement.

Please remember Dianne Dippel in your prayers as she continues to face some health concerns.

There is a list of prayer requests specific to the needs of HMC available on our website, or by speaking with Karen Schmalz or Brian Austin. Alternatively, if you’d like to receive daily prayer reminders delivered to your email, you can sign up at eepurl.com/cM9ZVj


The U18 Crew and the Missions Planning Team are inviting the whole congregation to participate in their Christmas Basket Extravaganza! Consider donating some items for gift baskets that will be delivered to the people of Saugeen First Nation Reserve near Southampton, where our missionaries, Stan & Sally Bragg, are running an important ministry. See the sheets in the foyer and sign up to bring crackers, nuts, clementines, or Babybel cheese, and stay tuned for more ways you can get involved during December.

We want to bless Pastor Dave and his family as they settle into their new life in Hanover. There is a collection box in the foyer where you can drop off local gift cards and certificates to bless the family. Considers things like restaurants, grocery stores, gas cards, etc. The box will remain available until December 17.

Help feed Rohingya Refugees! Give someone life by providing food for Rohingya refugees who have fled from Myanmar for their lives. Donations made to this cause by November 28th will be matched on a 1:1 basis by the Government of Canada. EMCC relief and development is working with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank on this appeal. Donations designated to this crisis are also eligible to be matched on a 4:1 basis through CFGB’s regular ongoing agreement with the Government of Canada. Donate today through the EMCC website (Relief and Development) or watch for invitations on Facebook and Twitter to give on Giving Tuesday.

CO-CREATING THE FUTURE OF THE EMCC: EMCC President, Rev. Kervin Raugust is inviting all members and adherents of EMCC Churches across Canada to join in an exercise to co-discover, co-dream, and co-design the future God has in mind for our denomination. A survey has been developed as a convenient way for you to provide insight into where we as a family of churches and where God is calling us to go. Please consider taking a few minutes to complete the survey. There are paper copies available in the foyer on the information table, or you can access it online at emccsurvey.ca; or from our HOME page, EVENTS page, or BLOG.


WILL YOU JOIN US IN PRAYER FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN CANADA? Today, November 26, has been set apart by the EFC and the Canadian Council of Christian Charities to pray for the successful resolution of the Trinity Western University (TWU) case, which will be heard in the Supreme Court of Canada on November 30 and December 1. Because of the broad potential implications of this case, it is also a day to pray for the future of religious freedom in Canada. Visit our BLOG page to download a one-page PDF that summarizes the fact and explains why this is important. Print copies are also available in the foyer.


Thank you to the L.I.T. crew who helped layout and organize the food in the gym for last week’s Building Connections Potluck.