If you want your chilli to be part of the February 25 Cook-Off: Bring your crockpot to the main kitchen before the service. See the cook-off team to register. (You will be asked to take a number and give your chilli a creative name.)
We will take up to 20 entries.
If you want to be a judge: At the end of the service you will be given a chance to volunteer as a judge. We can have (up to) 20 judges. You will be dismissed a few minutes before everyone else. Find the judging station in the U18 foyer (kitchen outside the gym) and get further instructions there.
You do not have to participate in the cook-off to share your chilli! Please plan to bring a pot either way and deliver to the main kitchen before the service. Buns and drinks will be provided. You’re welcome to bring along a dessert as well if you choose.
Winners will be celebrated in our service on Sunday, March 4 and will get to take home one of these gorgeous trophies:
Bring your appetite and your best chilli!