We have still been having trouble with our phone system. Please bear with us as we work to get it sorted. If you need to reach a pastor and can’t get through on our main line, please use the Pastoral Care Line (519-379-1752), send an email, or send a message through our Facebook page.
Prayer Night Please join us tonight at 6:30 for an evening of prayer.
Our second summer bonfire is happening on Sunday, July 22 at the Toman’s. (113636 Grey Road 3.) Bring along your lawn chairs, blankets, roasting sticks, snacks & drinks.
You’re invited to a BBQ lunch following the service on Sunday, July 29. Hamburgers, hotdogs, and drinks will be provided. Please bring along a salad or dessert to share. We are looking for some volunteers and organizers for this event. Please talk to Pastor Dave or to the office if you’re willing and available.
Summer Slam brings kids together for a whole week to learn, grow, and play. Mark the mornings of August 13-17 on your calendar and plan to sign up your children/grandchildren/neighbours (ages 5-12). Grab a form outside the admin centre or fill it out online. Check out the Summer Slam Table in the foyer.
Party in the Park Mark Sunday, September 16 on your calendars. We will be gathering at the Hanover Park for a service, baptisms, BBQ, and fun! If you would like to be baptized in the river on this day, please connect with a pastor.
Please continue to pray for those members of our congregation who are facing various health concerns. Pray for the doctors that are overseeing their care, and the family members that are offering support during this time.
Andrew and Amberlynne Claussen are HMC sponsored missionaries in Indonesia. The MPT received information recently that they are in need of help. Their ministry funds are running low because of some unfortunate circumstances involving a lightning storm that hit their phone, printer, and water pump. If you would like to help by giving toward the cost of these replacements, please find them online at World Team Canada, Give Now. Write ‘Andrew and Amberlynne Claussen’ under worker. They thank you for being part of the Banokit ministry.
Camp Mishewah is still in need of counsellors for Scamps & Champs (August 5-11) and Jr Teen (August 12-18). Are you 15 or older? Consider the opportunity to impact the lives of kids. Contact Jeanette Balzer for more details (jeanette@ecmcamps.ca).
We are working on beefing up our social media presence. Be sure to [LIKE] our Facebook page, and then join the groups connected to our page that represent the ministries you’re involved in.