Bulletin – August 19, 2018


Join us tonight at the Rusnak’s at 6:30 p.m. for a bonfire! (282906 Normanby/Bentinck Townline.) Bring along your lawn chairs, blankets, roasting sticks, snacks & drinks – you’re also welcome to bring an instrument to join in on some barn jamming!

Party in the Park Mark Sunday, September 16 at 10:00 a.m. on your calendars. We will be gathering at the Hanover Park for a service, baptisms, BBQ, and fun! If you would like to be baptized in the river on this day, please connect with a pastor.

Jr Pitch is coming on September 21-23 and is an exciting weekend camping opportunity for youth in grade 7 and 8. Forms are available outside the main office. Are you a certified male leader and willing to hang out with a group of kids for the weekend? Please connect with Pastor Amos or Melissa McDougall.

The September Daily Bread is available on the reception desk today.


Please continue to pray for those members of our congregation who are facing various health concerns. Pray for the doctors that are overseeing their care, and the family members that are offering support during this time.

Our Condolences to Mark and Linda Schwartz on the passing of Mark’s mother, Elizabeth, on August 10. Please remember the family in your prayers as they grieve.


Thank you to all the wonderful people who made our Summer Slam program a huge success! It is with much gratitude that we acknowledge the fearless leaders, snack helpers, those who donated snacks, helped with music and registration, and all those who prayed over the ministry. Thanks to your contribution, we have been able to leave a lasting impression for Jesus on the lives of many children!


A very happy birthday to Evelyn Howe who is celebrating 80 years today!


We are working on beefing up our social media presence. Be sure to [LIKE] our Facebook page, and then join the groups connected to our page that represent the ministries you’re involved in.


Our kids have been given three ‘Sent Out’ Challenges: in their neighbourhood, the community, and around the world!

Each child has also received a ‘Flat Disciple’. Remember to bring this along as you work together to complete the challenges, snap a photo, and share it with the hashtag #HMCSentOut

Did you lose your challenge sheet? Visit the Summer Slam page on our website to download a new copy!