Thank You, HMC Ministry Council

John C. Maxwell says that “everything rises and falls on leadership.”

It is a new day at HMC. We are in a new season of life, and God is up to something here. There is excitement, vitality, and a newness of hope here. We are moving forward with a fresh vision for what God wants to do in us and through us. As we move forward, we are thankful to our leadership who have stayed the course and helped bring us to the place we are today. Thank you to our Ministry Council for wanting the best for this church, for desiring that we be a place that honours God, and for having the courage to lead us to where we are today. We don’t always see the times of prayer you spend on our behalf, or the countless hours in meetings, but today we see the result, and we say “Thank you”.

—From the staff team and congregation of HMC.
