Young at Heart will gather again on Thursday, Nov 14 at 11:00 a.m. Come and hear the Sonnenberg’s in concert. Nelles is in the foyer with tickets ($17) for the hot luncheon. A freewill offering will be collected.

Our HMC AGM & Potluck will be on Sunday, November 24 after the service. Please bring along a main course dish to share & plan to stay for the meeting to learn what’s going on in the life of our church. Members and non-members alike are invited to attend.
Do you love to bake? If you’re interested in helping to provide desserts for our MIDWEEK MEAL, please connect with Pastor Kristina.
We are still looking for volunteers to fill a few gaps. If you’d be willing to serve on the usher team, or if hospitality is something near and dear to your heart, please talk with Pastor Kristina.
Are you interested in helping us fill our freezer? We’d love to have a selection of home cooked meals we can hand out as blessings. Please connect with Pastor Lyndsay if you can help.
Please continue to keep Sue McDougall and family in your prayers. She has been diagnosed with aggressive lymphoma and is currently undergoing chemo treatments.
Please pray for Pastor Dave and family as they take the next two weeks away together. Pray for safe travels and that their time would be refreshing.
Please pray for our Warming Centre as it launches this week. Pray for the volunteers and for the people who will frequent it.
Branching Out
Operation Christmas Child is here! Boxes are available today and must be returned by November 17. This is a great opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child.
Our Warming Centre will be up and running on Thursday, November 7, providing a place for those in need of warmth and company to enjoy a hot bowl of soup and friendly conversation. We are accepting donations of non-perishable food items that can be handed out to those who attend. These items can be dropped off at the hutch in the foyer that is labelled HMC Pantry. Also needed are donations of bars of soap and small bottles of shampoo, as well as knitted goods. If you’d like to volunteer for this great ministry opportunity, whether it’s to hang out with our guests, to serve or clean up, or to make soup, please connect with Marcia Burt. There is a soup sign up at the Welcome Centre.
Hanover Heights is looking for donations of small hats, socks, and gloves/mittens that can be distributed to children who don’t have the necessary means to stay warm. These items can be dropped off at the pantry cupboard in the foyer.
Thank you to the youth who came out and helped hand out candy to the community kids on Halloween night. And thank you to everyone who helped with our Drop By Parties in Hanover, Durham, and Chesley. We know the hot chocolate was appreciated on such a wet and chilly night!