Registration for the second term of the MIDWEEK Meal is open and there is still some room. Space is limited so don’t wait to sign up. We would love you to join us for this great ministry! The first meal is January 15 – this Wednesday! – so register before then.
We’re Building Popcorn Connections this month. Bring along your favourite popcorn treat and stick around after the service on Sunday, January 19 for a time of fellowship and fun.
Newcomers, we want to get to know you better! Come out to a newcomers lunch on Sunday, February 2 following the service. Speak with Pastor Kristina if you’d like more information.
Junior & Senior Youth, Snow Camp is coming in February – stay tuned for details.
Our Condolences to the family and friends of George Simpson who passed away suddenly on Wednesday, January 8. Please remember them in your prayers as they grieve their loss. A celebration of life will be held today at 2:00 p.m. Please consider bringing along a plate of squares or finger food to share following the service.
Please pray for Sue McDougall. Pray that once chemo treatment is completed there will be no need for radiation follow up
Please pray for Phyllis Klein who is experiencing some health concerns.
Please continue to pray for our Warming Centre. Pray for the energy and health of our volunteers and for continuing our aim to build trust and show the love of Jesus with the folks who attend each week. Also, please pray for those who could benefit from the Warming Centre but haven’t come to us yet.
A new year is the perfect time to set a goal to dive into scripture. Pastor Kristina is inviting you to join her on a daily Bible reading plan. Go to to accept her invitation to The Bible Project.
Our Warming Centre is up and running every Thursday from noon to 2:00, providing a place for those in need of warmth and company to enjoy a hot bowl of soup and friendly conversation. We are accepting donations of non-perishable food items that can be handed out to those who attend. These items can be dropped off by the main office in the foyer. Also needed are donations of bars of soap and small bottles of shampoo, as well as knitted goods. As the weather is colder these days, we are very low on gloves and mitts. We appreciate your support and selfless giving to this ministry! If you’d like to volunteer for this great ministry opportunity, whether it’s to hang out with our guests, to serve or clean up, or to make soup, please connect with Marcia Burt. There is a soup sign up at the Welcome Centre.
Hanover Heights is looking for donations of small hats, socks, and gloves/mittens that can be distributed to children who don’t have the necessary means to stay warm. These items can be dropped off outside the main office.
We are still looking for volunteers to fill a few gaps. If you’d be willing to serve on the usher team, or if hospitality is something near and dear to your heart, please talk with Pastor Kristina.
We are looking for a water cooler for our office. If you have one you’re not looking and would like to bless our staff, please connect with the office to let them know.
The Teen Challenge Choir will be coming to bless us on Sunday, March 1.
Our 3rd Annual Chilli Cook-Off is scheduled for Sunday March 1 – start thinking about what going to make your pot stand out from the rest!
We’re planning another complimentary continental breakfast on Easter Sunday (April 12) so plan to come early that morning to enjoy some fruit and baked goods.