by contributing writer Kristen Webb
Reflections on ‘Made To Crave‘ by Lysa TerKeurst
My eating healthy journey is going well. I am not perfect and I still occasionally eating things I should not. Every time I make a good choice it becomes easier to make a good choice next time, so I am feeling energized.
My weight is still not going down the way I want it to but I keep reminding myself that the goal is obeying God not losing weight. This frees me to rejoice in the progress regardless of how much I weigh.
I found a scripture when I was doing the Bible study Made To Crave that has really helped me get to the core of my eating problem.
When the Lord heard them, he was furious;
his fire broke out against Jacob,
and his wrath rose against Israel,for they did not believe in God
or trust in his deliverance.Psalm 78:21-22
This verse is referring to when the Israelites were in the desert and they wanted food. Even though God had miraculously provided water in the desert they did not believe He could give them food too.
I think I may have the same attitude as the Israelites. I haven’t been trusting God with my food and that is the core of my problem. I want what I want and I don’t want to give the eating choices I make to God. I don’t trust Him that He has the power to save me from the cravings that cause me to eat things that make me sick and fat. I want to keep eating the things that are bad for me, the things that God has called me to give up. I am afraid of losing the tiny bit of happiness I get from eating those bad things.
But God is the source of my joy and I can trust Him to replace the happiness of sin with a more lasting joy that is not tainted. God does have the power to save me from my cravings. I have seen that when I trust Him and rely on God, He can enable me to eat the healthy things instead of junk. It still hurts a bit to say no to 5 cupcakes but it is exhilarating to push through that pain and find the strength to make the healthy choice.
God is faithful and able and He is giving me the strength to win more battles in this food war than I lose.
Kristen Webb boards horses in the country with her husband and three daughters – one of whom has special needs. She has been part of the HMC congregation for almost eighteen years. You can find her over at her own blog, My Wild Ride Through The Door Of Faith.