It was once said that the only constant in life is change. How true that is. Change is happening yet again all around us. As we are all aware now, we are under a new stay at home order in our province. With that in mind, there are some further changes to ministry here at the church. For the coming weeks, Sunday gatherings will be solely online with no in-person gatherings in the building. Other in person ministry and meetings will also not be happening. As we move through the month of April, and as updates become available, I will be sharing them with you.
As I think about the next few weeks in front of us, my mind goes back to what I shared on Sunday morning. Lock downs, stay at home orders, and further restrictions can have the potential to cause us all worry and concern. It can further add stress and hardship to our lives. But I want to encourage us to remember how as people walking in the truth and reality of the risen Saviour, we are walking as people of the promise. We have the promise of a life to come. We have the promise of inner peace. We have the promise of unfailing love. And regardless of what happens around us, we can cling to the life changing promises that have been accomplished for us through Jesus rising from the grave, and we can rise above it in hope, power, and His victory.
If you need anything in this time, please reach out to us here in the office. We miss you all, love you all, and are praying for all of you.
— Pastor Dave